Learn to Code

Aside from writing code, there’s always theory. There’s always extraneous things about processes, technologies, load time, and a sea of other topics. Things that tutorials often times don’t explain. It’s the why and how that links everything together and makes me often times feel more confident as a developer.

This is the goal of this page. And this category. Learn to code. But also learn the how and why things are done. If there’s a topic you’re interested in learning about, let me know in the comments below.

JWT Explained

JWT Tokens are used in authentication processes. They’re alpha numeric strings of encoded text that are used to send and receive information between two trusted parties. If you spend most of your time on the frontend, chances of using them are slim. The premise behind them is to bundle up a users’ login credentials and verify them at a trusted source. This trusted source then responds with a token. In turn, the user is redirected to a resource server.

Think of this step as a precursor to the user being able to access confidential information. Such as an account of some type. Moreover, if you’ve even seen the URL append a lot of gibberish after a task is performed, that could be the token. Sometimes it’s passed through the url while other times it’s cached. Pulled from local storage. Read more about here.